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Don’t Forget the Utilities!

Transferring your utilities is a vital part of any move. The first step is to make a list of all of your service providers and contact info. You’ll have to cancel or transfer things such as your electricity, water, gas, phone, television and internet, waste removal, security and others. A move is also the perfect time to reevaluate your options (do you still need a landline?) and make changes. Spend some time researching providers in your new location. Try to talk to your new neighbors to see who they use, or check with your apartment building management to get a list of preferred providers. Make sure you understand and plan for any fees or deposits that may be required, and determine when and if you’ll need to be home when the new services are turned on. Your best bet is to have your utilities turned off at your existing home the day after you move out, and turned on the day before you take possession of your new home.

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